
平常大家都會推薦的主流護理學院 安大略省(ON)的Georgian和Conestoga、卑詩省(BC)Langara外,今天推薦一個在亞伯達省(AB)的公立學院,名為Red Deer College 紅鹿學院。

Red Deer College 紅鹿學院是一所公立綜合性社區學院,位於加拿大AB省的紅鹿市,約有7,000名正式課程的學生和10,000名非學分制上課的學生。

而Red Deer College的PN課程,相對於其他間公立學院,最大好處是不需要Pre-Health、也不一定要是護理科系畢業生(等於普通高中畢業生即可),但有個顧慮就是他一定要英文直接達標,無法用任何語言課程銜接。


Registered Nurse 註冊護士,通常4年。
Practical Nurse 職業護士,通常2年
Health Care Assistant 醫護人員,比較像是看護,通常1年,舉例:Langara - Health Care Assistant 
若在台灣是護理學士畢業後,可以報名Nursing Practice in Canada,像東岸的Conestoga和西岸的Langara都有喔!


以下列出 紅鹿學院護理文憑的入學門檻:

Practical Nursing Diploma Admission Requirements:

Academic Requirements:


60% in ELA 30-1 or international equivalent

60% in Biology 30 or international equivalent

50% in Math 30-1 or 30-2 OR 60% in Math 30 Applied or 20-1 OR 70% in Math 20-2 or international equivalent

English Language Proficiency Requirements:


TOEFL (overall score)

92 iBT
580 PBT

IELTS Academic (overall score)

7.0 with at least 6.5 on each band score






Hong Kong 香港
(HKDSE or HKALE exam results are used to determine course equivalencies)

Alberta 亞伯達 Hong Kong 香港
Group A  
ELA 30-1 Use of English (Advanced Supplementary Level)
Social Studies 30-1 Liberal Studies, History, Geography, Chinese History, Economics
30- level Language Language other than English
Group C  
Biology 30 Biology
Chemistry30 Chemistry
Math 30-1 Mathematics (Compulsory Part)
Math 31 Mathematics (extended modules containing Calculus)
Physics 30 Physics
Science 30 Integrated Science


Alberta 亞伯達 United States 美國
Group A  
ELA 30-1 4 Carnegie Units of English (ESL is not accepted towards these units)
Social Studies 30-1 3 Carnegie Units of History, Politics, Geography or Economics
30-level Language 3 - 4 Carnegie Units of a language other than English
Group C   
Biology 20 1 Carnegie Unit of Biology
Biology 30 2 Carnegie Units of Biology
Chemistry 20 1 Carnegie Unit of Chemistry
Chemistry 30 2 Carnegie Units of Chemistry
Physics 20 1 Carnegie Unit of Physics
Physics 30 2 Carnegie Units of Physics
Science 30 1 Carnegie Unit each of: Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Math 30-1 A minimum of 3 Carnegie Units of Math courses including: Algebra II, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, Trigonometry
Math 30-2 1 Carnegie Unit in each of: Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II
Math 31 (Calculus) 1 Carnegie Unit of Calculus




















Application Deadlines: 最慢申請期限

Term 學期 

Application Deadline 申請期限

Fall 秋季

June 15 在6月15日前

Winter 冬季

October 15 在10月15日前

Spring 春季

January 31 在1月31日前

Summer 夏季

March 30 在3月30日前



Fall Term 秋季 September to December 9-12月
Winter Term 冬季 January to April 1-4月
Spring Term 春季 May to June 5到6月
Summer Term 夏季 July to August 7-8月



Do you have questions about the international entry requirements for the PN program? If so, email

要是有任何問題,歡迎加入 LINE 討論


    創作者 Luna Lin @Canada 的頭像
    Luna Lin @Canada

    Hello Canada!露娜的加拿大

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